In my earlier articles, especially about Design Systems, a common theme has likely emerged. It's my frustration at being at a company that makes hardware as their core product line, not software. As such, the UX field is not understood or properly resourced.
I love delighting people. I design for them. I build for them. Their delight fulfills me. I am always thinking about how I can make lives better, with good design. I am looking for opportunities to do this...
I love delighting people. I design for them. I build for them. Their delight fulfills me. I am always thinking about how I can make lives better, with good design. I am looking for opportunities to do this...
My next entry in this portfolio, is going to be about my passion project... designing assistive technology for Alzheimer's patients. Please give it a read. It is titled "Butterflies and M&Ms", and it will tell you a lot about me. Its the story of my mother-in-law, her diagnosis, and my hopes for her post-diagnosis life. Although she left us, those hopes live on in me, and I am driven to integrate my dreams for her into my work.

For me personally, I am looking for an opportunity to indulge my desire to design. I want to face a challenge, and craft solutions, and maybe delight someone with the result.